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First Woman to commercially operate a Tractor in the Lockyer Valley

by | Feb 23, 2019 | Uncategorised

Gwen McLeod takes delivery of her new DQ554 55hp ENFLY tractor from AgKing Hatton Vale.

Gwen has always been recognized as the first woman to commercially operate a Tractor in the Lockyer Valley. Fifty Five years ago, a town girl marries a local farmer and quickly realized that to operate a profitable farm it was all hands on deck.

Their first tractor was an old Fordson Major, a lumber some monster, no power steering, no air conditioning, not even a sun shade or ROPS.

In the summer months you literally fry with the heat, not only from the sun but heat from the motor and transmission and the seat that was bare metal. The clutch and brake pedals were so hard to use that she had to use both feet to engage them. The noise level was indescribable.

To-day the new Enfly has soft power steering, comfortable cushioned and a sprung seat. It has operator friendly controls and is fitted with a handy front bucket.

Gwen Says, If I would have had this machine 50 years ago it would have been heaven.

The Enfly is a strong simple designed tractor with user friendly controls without all the electronic Gizmo that simply are not reliable in dust water and mud that tractors work in.

Over the years I have owned and operated a variety of tractors many Fords, Deutz, Belarus, Daedong and Kioti all of which had electronic gremlins. I am looking forward to many hours of trouble free running with the Enfly.


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