Be aware that some dealers are selling 40 to 70 series tractor frames fitted with 90hp engines and promoting this as a 90hp tractor. This is miss leading and the consequences can be serious.
The difference between a 40 to 70 series Cat 2 tractor drive line and a 90 to 120 series Cat 3 drive line are huge. See product specifications below.
Too much engine power in a light frame is a serious risk to clutch, transmission, drive shafts and implements. In other words a serious risk to the tractor.
A genuine 90hp tractor delivers much more pulling power and lifting capability than the 40-70 series tractor and therefore is a heavier and stronger CAT 3 design. The scam model 90hp engine fitted to a 40- 70 series Cat 2 frame can not compete with performance of a genuine 90hp Cat 3 tractor.
Why would anyone want to fit a 90hp engine onto a 40-70 frame when there is very little practical advantage but a huge risk of potential damage? The only reason is COST because customers who do not know the differences in specifications will buy on cost. AG King believes this is dishonest, reckless and potentially dangerous.
Other points to consider are –
a. The 90hp engine is always going to cost more to operate and service for every job. A 70hp tractor engine would do most of the jobs the 90hp engine does and be less costly. So why buy a 90hp engine when the 70hp will do the job.
b. A genuine 90hp Cat 3 tractor is fitted with bigger and heavier axles and wheels to handle the engine power and therefore has better ground traction for tipping and pulling. The scam 90hp is limited to the smaller 70 series frame with smaller axles and wheels and therefore offers less traction.
c. The front end loader on the Genuine 90hp is capable of lifting 1200kg and is a much stronger loader frame with bigger and stronger rams. The lighter weight Scam 90hp is fitted with a 800kg lift loader because it is lighter and limited by the weaker front and rear axles.
Specification differences Genuine 90hp Cat3 Scam 70 series with 90hp Cat 2
Weight 4.5ton 2.8 ton
Category class Cat 3 Cat 2
Front wheel
Rear wheel
Front end loader 1200 kg lift 800kg lift
AG King regrets the need to present these facts to potential customers but we believe the reputation and confidence in Chinese tractors is undermined by offers like this.